Royalty - Clientele
Clientèle Royalty
Royalty Login

Welcome to Clientèle Royalty, as a loyal policyholder you can now access FREE monthly savings & discounts on Groceries, Travel, Entertainment, Education, Fashion and so much more! Plus, you get to Spin for a chance to win your share of R10 Million in prizes.  *Get access to your Royalty benefits by visiting the App or click here today.

Remember once on Tier 4, your December premium is on us - yes Clientèle could pay your December premium for you! Simply DebiCheck and pay all of your premiums every month.

Clientèle Royalty, rewarding loyalty!

Active policy
A Policy held at any time by a policy owner that is still in place and has not been terminated or lapsed.

Consecutive paid premiums
For clients with multiple policies, the most consistently paid policy is considered. A missed premium will cause Tiers 4 & 5 to fall back to Tier 3 and Tiers 1-3 to fall completely off the programme.

A bank authorised mandate that authenticates a debit order.

Additional Policy
Any additional Clientèle Insurance plan i.e. Funeral, Legal, Savings, Health and Perks Plans.

How to access Clientèle Royalty:
To access ALL your vouchers and discounts click here or simply scan the QR code below to download the Clientèle App on your smartphone from either Apple & Google Play App stores or Huawei App Gallery. Once downloaded the App is free to use on all major South African networks this means that Clientèle will pay for all the data the App uses.

Contact Centre:
Tel: 011 320 3000

Operating Hours:
Monday - Friday: 08h00 - 17h00

Terms and conditions apply.

Royalty Logo stack

Clientèle Royalty is a loyalty benefit provided to all loyal clients at no additional cost and is brought to you by CBC Rewards (Pty) Ltd. Terms & Conditions apply.

Get access to your Royalty benefits by visiting the App or click here today.

Clientèle Royalty is based on a 5 Tier model

Simply DebiCheck and pay all your monthly premiums and get all these benefits at no additional cost to you.

Tier progression

Get access to your Royalty benefits by visiting the App or click here today.

Royalty Monthly Benefits

Selected categories are available for Tiers 1 - 4, Tier 5 has access to monthly benefits from all of the categories. Refer to the Tier benefit table to see how your benefits increase within each category as you Tier up. Simply DebiCheck or pay via Salary Deduction all of your monthly premiums and you could qualify to move up the Tiers.

Retailers are valid as at January 2025 and are subject to change. For full and updated Terms & Conditions click here

Get access to your Royalty benefits by visiting the App or click here today.

Spin & Win banner

Don’t miss out on a chance to win your share of up to R1 million in prizes!*

Everyone can be a winner with Clientèle Royalty. You stand a chance to Spin & Win from the 10th of every month, remember by progressing up the Tiers you unlock more spins and this increases your chances of winning. You could be a lucky winner, so don’t miss out!

Spin & Win chances;

Spin & Win chances

Stand a chance to win these prizes:

Cellphones R20,000 CASH

A cellphone and Tech vouchers

Fast Food

Grocery gift vouchers from

Fast Food

Fast Food vouchers from


Movie Tickets, Entertainment and streaming vouchers from


Retail vouchers from

Hifi Corp

Travel vouchers from


Adventure vouchers from


Wellness vouchers from


And so much more!

Make sure you are part of Clientèle Royalty to experience the royalty treatment where you get to stand a chance to win R10 Million in prizes*, you could qualify for December is on us (applicable to Tier 4 & 5) and also enjoy monthly savings and benefits. A loyalty programme that gives you all this value for free.

Download our infographic here for an easy step-by-step guide on how to redeem the Spin & Win prizes

Spinning is guaranteed every month, visit the Clientèle App or click here  to spin.

Retailers and prizes are valid as at January 2025 and are subject to change. *Terms and Conditions apply. For full and updated Terms & Conditions click here.


Dec on us

Congratulations to all policyholders who qualified for December is on us in 2024! Over R100 Million in December premiums has been paid on behalf of our loyal clients plus they have shared in over R100 Million in prizes*, savings and discounts. That’s over R200 Million in shared value! Clients who DebiChecked their debit orders & paid all of their premiums enjoyed their December savings! You could be next, simply DebiCheck and pay all of your premiums and December could be on us!

Do new clients qualify for December is on us?

Once you reach Tier 4, your December premium will be paid by Clientèle if you meet the requirements - simply DebiCheck and pay all of your premiums. Make sure that you qualify to get extra cash to enjoy with your family in December (applicable to Clientèle Funeral, Legal and Health policies for Tiers 4 and 5).*

If you haven’t yet DebiChecked your debit order, DebiCheck today to access Clientèle Royalty and your December could be on us.

*Terms and Conditions apply.

What is DebiCheck
DebiCheck is a new debit order system mandated by the South African Reserve Bank and implemented by the banking industry across South Africa. As a responsible and authorised financial services provider Clientèle supports this initiative. DebiCheck brings back the trust and allows you to electronically approve debit orders processed against your bank account to ensure that the debit order is in line with your agreed contract so you continue to enjoy peace of mind.

How to Debicheck

Terms and conditions apply. For full and updated Terms & Conditions click here.

Simply scan the QR code below to download the Clientèle App on your smartphone from either Apple & Google Play App stores or Huawei App Gallery. Click on ‘Policies’ and select the policy you want to DebiCheck

Get access to your Royalty benefits by visiting the App or click here today.

Bursary Application Process

Clientèle Royalty is offering all loyal Tier 3, 4 & 5 members a life-changing opportunity to apply for a Bursary for themselves or their dependants valued at R60,000 per year. This means that in addition to your monthly Royalty benefits, you or your dependant can now apply for a Bursary to study at a tertiary institution of your choice in 2026.

What does the Bursary cover?

  • The Bursary includes funding for fees, books, equipment and accommodation up to the value of R60,000 per annum.

Who can apply?

  • Applicable for those who are interested in studying in 2026;
  • The applicant must be a South African citizen;
  • The applicant must have a matric certificate with an aggregate of above 60% in their final matric examination results;
  • Only applicants eligible for first or second year tertiary studies in the relevant selection year (2026) may apply for a Bursary;
  • A Bursary will not be awarded to an applicant already in possession of a Bursary from another institution;
  • Bursaries are only awarded for full-time undergraduate qualifications and do not cover postgraduate courses;
  • The Bursary programme is open to Tier 3, 4 or 5 Clientèle Royalty Members and their children. If the Member is a legal guardian, the child in the Member’s care may also apply – proof thereof must be provided; and
  • The Member is required to remain on Clientѐle Royalty Tier 3, 4 or 5 from the time the Bursary is awarded and for the duration of the Bursary.

How to Apply:
Start the process by sending the below documents to Applications close 30 April 2025.

Documents required:

1. A completed application form which is available to download here;

2. A copy of the applicant’s South African ID;

3. Applicants who are in Grade 12 in 2025 must submit their Grade 11 (final year end) results and are required to submit their final matric certificate upon the release of results by the Department of Education. Alternatively, your final matric certificate and most recent academic results must be submitted if you have already matriculated.

Ensure you don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity – Apply NOW!

Click here to download the application form.

Click here for the full Clientѐle Royalty Bursary Terms & Conditions.

Loyal policyholders get Clientѐle Royalty for FREE! Get access to monthly savings and discounts on Travel, Fashion, Groceries, Movies and so much more! Plus, spin the wheel for a chance to win your share of R10 Million in prizes with Spin & Win!*

Click here to download the Clientèle App.

Remember, the Clientèle App is free to use on all major SA networks, which means that Clientèle will pay for all the data that the App uses.

*Terms and conditions apply.


Application form Download
Bursary Terms & Conditions Download
Royalty Brochure View
Royalty Terms and Conditions View
Spin & Win Terms and Conditions View
December is on us Terms and Conditions View
How to download the App video View
Clientèle Royalty How To Guide View



Clientèle Royalty Broadsheet Tier 3 Download
Clientèle Royalty Broadsheet Tier 4 & 5 Download

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  • By submitting your details you consent to Clientèle processing and retaining your personal information in line with their Privacy Policy which is available on: